Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Henry and Mommy

Mommy and Henry time, rolling around  giggles and tickles, so much fun!

Me and my favorite toy at the moment, THOMAS the train!
Mommy, Thomas, and me!

Plain adorable!

Love this shot, the picture says it all!

Henry and mommy hugs!
Irving and Henry chilling on the bed!

Afternoon with Nico

This little guy is no longer that baby you might have seen in my previous blog post...he's 1 yr and it is marked on his tee shirt made just for him by his lovely parents! We spend some time at home, later took his balancing bike out for a ride! Well more for a walk :)

Catch me if you can!
You scared me!
Good old Ben taking a nap.
Nico: "Ben I'm taking over your crib!"
Let's go take a bike ride!
Ben give me a push will you?

Irving Photoshoot

We devoted a photo shoot just for Irving! It was a challenge to photograph a very back dog with a thick coat! But he is just too cute and it was all worth it!

My favorite toy is my bunny!

Love his curly coat!
Love this picture because of the gorgeous lighting!
Yes I like me in black!

Notibe Japanese Garden

This neatly designed Japanese Garden is located within the University of British Columbia. It is a smaller sized garden but meticulously designed, every step, every path, and every rock has a meaning to it.

Tree hung with wishes.

Entry way.

Little bridge by the pond.

Love this tree draping over the pond.

June in Vancouver

Since my parents still live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, I'll visit my hometown as frequently as I can every year. Every time I hopped off the plane flying up from Los Angeles, I am just amazed with the quality of fresh air, totally free of smog from too much car exhaustion on freeways! I hope these pictures can explain why I love Vancouver so very much!

Fresh extra large cherries, flowers by the front yard.
My good old friend took me to a tea house downtown.
We almost ate everything!
Fresh sushi! Since there's so much fresh seafood off the coast of Vancouver!

Henry & Nico at Dumber Park

Love mummy's hat!
That's a toothing necklace, it's not all vanity!

Watermelon is one of my favorite fruits!
Yum, yum, yum!
Check out my very cool board shorts!
And I'm the newborn cousin!

I love a massage...oh well who doesn't...