Sunday, July 10, 2011

Momi and Mommy

I love seeing how much pet owners adore and obsess with  their furry animals! This little dog has grown so much since the last time I met her which was about two years ago! She was really friendly to me, licked all over my arms, showered me with kisses and rolled over on her belly for me! I love this little monster!

Please be patient Momi!
Momi performing a dance number to earn her treat!

Mommy and me!
I know I look so gorgeous!
I always have a smiley face don't I!
Me and Louboutin, equally important!
Look I can make myself disappear!

Kiss, kiss...
And more kisses....

1 comment:

  1. Your shots looks so beautiful. Hope one day u can take great photos of me and my doggies. Keep it up!
